I have a confession, I am officially a ‘mindless eater’!

So today marks the start of ‘no carb Monday & Thursday’ at my house. Now when I say ‘carbs’, I’m not talking fruit and vege carbs, I’m talking the obvious ones, rice, pasta, bread & oats. I’m talking about the ‘mindless’ visits to the kitchen I have been making recently, not because I’m hungry, but because it’s become a habit and one that needs to stop. And this isn’t a weight loss idea, although for anyone that needs to lose weight, this would be a great place to start!

I am half way through day 1 and it has made me realise something quite significant – I am officially a ‘mindless eater’.

My day starts between 4.30 & 5am as my husband and I tag team our morning exercise with our Labrador/Kelpie Flick before I rush off to morning clients and my 6 mth old daughter gets out of bed. So this morning was a 5am run followed by a client. After the run, as I’m showered and rushing out the door, I start thinking about what I’m going to eat to get me through my client and before I get a chance to have breakfast. I reach for the freezer for my usual piece of homemade spelt bread to top with Avocado, and then I stop. Not today Amy! So a mouthful of homemade granola and big glass of water does the trick.

Then its breakfast time, a delicious almond milk, banana, strawberry & cinnamon smoothie. Delicious. Then again by morning tea I am reminded about my ‘mindless’ eating as I reach for a rye cruskit with almond butter, instead out comes an apple and some natural almonds.

Lunch is a breeze, chicken, lentils, roast vege & avocado salad with some balsamic vinegar. Then again, a carb filled afternoon tea would have been on the cards, but today it’s a paleo homemade bliss ball!

You might be sitting there thinking, what’s so wrong with a rye crusket and almond butter? Or homemade spelt toast and avocado? Well the answer is nothing, IF you are eating it mindfully and aren’t just eating because it’s a habit. I know I don’t have a ‘junk food’ issue, I truly believe in the 80/20 rule and believe that 80% of the time, my nutrition is spot on, and 20% of the time I’m allowed the good things in life, but I also know that we can sometimes get on a roller coaster of eating on the run for the sake of it.

Here are some tips that I have used with clients to create new eating habits, or to change their environments so they eat less without knowing it. Give them a go & see if it helps you!

  1. Smaller plates. This really, really works. Even if you know you’re using a smaller plate. People eat less when they use smaller plates. People eat more when you give them a bigger container. Period.
  2. Divide every meal in half. Put half aside. Eat the first half guilt-free, then ask yourself how much you want the second half and why. There is no wrong answer, just a moment of aware reflection where there was only mindless eating before.
  3. When you eat, just eat. Sit down at a table. Face way from any distractions. Turn off your phone. And think about eating a bite. This is hard and rarely sustainable, but it’ a great exercise if you want to see what “just eating” feels like.
  4. When you have a snack, plate it. This makes snacking more inconvenient, which means you’ll do it less.
  5. Put everything you want to eat on the plate. That way you see everything you want to eat before you eat it, and it’s harder to keep scooping the ice cream mindlessly out of the container and into your face.
  6. Finishers: We love finishing things! That’s why it’s so hard to leave things on our plates; like that last bite we don’t even want. Our clue that we are done eating is that our plates are clean. Try leaving a piece of food on your plate. Even better? Start with less. We can’t eat what’s not there.
  7. Awareness: Are you really hungry when you eat? If you’re not hungry but choose to eat anyway — say out loud, “I’m not hungry but I’m going to eat this anyway!”
  8. Just cut it: Mindless eating is when you eat and are no longer hungry. The “I’m full but I can eat more.” Be satisfied and just say, “Done!”
  9. Distractions: If you eat while you work or read or watch TV, or do anything in addition to eating, you’re going to eat more. Smell the roses. Live in the moment. Taste your food.
  10. Habits. Excellence is simply a habit. Start now. Not later.

If you need support and guidance with your nutrition or your training, then give Amy a call on 0412 230 926 today to get started!!


2020-03-12T04:19:41+00:00 October 26th, 2015|