Are you moving your body or smashing it?

Last week I listened to a podcast talking about the different ideas around exercising and moving our body. To cut a long story short, the message I got from it was in relation to ‘think about exercise as moving your body, rather than going out to ‘smash’ your body every single day’.


It talked about how some days you might need to go out and work 110%, sweat, feel the effects of the sore muscles the next day and feel amazing. And other days you might need to go for a slow walk, do some yoga, or go for a swim in the ocean. Every day there is a type of ‘moving’ your body that is right for you, and it’s about listening to your body to find which is it.


The message has certainly stuck in my head as I am often the one that thinks when I have a spare, child-free, work free morning I should start the day with a run, swinging a kettlebell or finding the hilliest walk I can go on and powerwalk that. But often what my body AND mind actually needs, is it take the dog for a slow walk, or get to a yoga class.


So this morning, I did exactly that. Instead of using my morning off to go for a run, I head down to my local yoga studio for an amazing start to my day. Today that’s what I needed, and tomorrow I will probably need to sweat it out doing a cardio and strength session. It’s about listening to your body, and knowing what it needs from day to day.


So my message to you – start to learn to read your body and understand what it’s trying to tell you. Staying in bed every morning and hitting the snooze button isn’t going to be the best option every morning, however if you need to do that some days, then do it.


And if you are the one that hits the snooze button because you are feeling un-inspired about your current exercise regime, then jump on board our amazing offer and join our community of ladies achieving their fitness goals every day ->> Redeem offer here

2020-03-11T05:16:36+00:00 April 16th, 2018|

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