The number 1 secret to sticking with my daily yoga practice

On the first of January I started the 30 day online yoga camp with Adrienne. I have never done a yoga class with Adrienne before, nor have I ever even heard of her. But I knew if I was going to keep my New Years resolution of taking time out for myself, AND fitting more yoga in to my life, then I needed something like this to kick start the year.

And let me tell you – it has not disappointed. Not only do I love her yoga style, her daily mantras, her philosophy of having fun with your yoga, and the way my body feels after it, the best part is, she is keeping me on track with my daily yoga and time out for myself. I will be honest, I have missed a couple of days, but Im ok with that. Im not beating myself up about this, Im going with the flow. Because some days we just don’t get to everything we want, but when we acknowledge this and allow ourselves to be ok with it, we can pick up again tomorrow, stop the negative self talk and realise that its ok not to be perfect.

I am working out that for me its best to do it first thing in the morning, then there are no excuses. There are no ‘I don’t have time for it, I don’t feel like it, the washing is more important’. None of that comes in to the equation.

So if you want to get started with yoga, fit more yoga in to your life, or just want to give it a go for the first time, I suggest you get on the 30 day yoga camp bandwagon. It keeps you accountable and we all know every single one of us needs more of that in our lives.


If your looking for the same accountability in your fitness life, then Coreliving can help. We are passionate about helping you achieve your health and fitness goals and know this wont happen unless you are held accountable. So call Amy on 0412230926 today to get started.

2016-01-17T22:07:35+00:00 January 17th, 2016|