Benefits of Post-natal exercise


So you’re a new Mum, or maybe you’re a Mum for the 2nd, 3rd or 4th time, it doesn’t matter. Whatever ‘Mum stage’ your at, you need to exercise, and you need to exercise regularly. Having recently become a mum myself, I know the difficulties around lack of sleep, trying to get everything done, motivating yourself to get out the door, and just generally knowing what is the best way to get back in shape. So that is why we are offering you a fitness session where all the hard work is done for you. You just need to turn up, with or without your little bundle, and we will take care of the rest for you. You will also be training with other Mums which is always a lovely way to get outdoors and interact.

Regular exercise has numerous health benefits, all of which apply equally to the new mother as at any other stage of life. These benefits include assistance with weight loss, increased aerobic fitness, social interaction and psychological wellbeing. Exercise after giving birth can also speed up recovery, and assist with muscle strength and toning.

We always recommend that you consult your GP, Obstetrician or Post-natal Physio before starting back at any exercise regime post baby.

The benefits of postnatal exercise – Exercising after you have your baby can improve your physical and mental wellbeing. It can:

  • Help restore muscle strength and firm up your body
  • Make you less tired because it raises your energy level and improves your sense of wellbeing
  • Promote weight loss, not only due to the calories burnt during the session but also the muscle tone that you develop will help burn calories while you are resting as well
  • Improve your cardiovascular fitness and restore muscle strength
  • Condition your abdominal muscles
  • Improve your mood, relieve stress and help prevent postpartum depression.

Creating time for postnatal exercise – When you’re caring for a newborn, finding time for physical activity can be challenging. Some days you may simply feel too tired for a full workout. But that doesn’t mean that you should put physical activity on the back burner. Do the best you can. Even if you just get out for a 20minute walk on those days, then that is a great start. And the days that you are well rested and feeling better, they can be your higher intensity days.

When to start postnatal exercises – Gentle exercise (such as walking) can generally be started as soon as comfortable after giving birth. Start when you feel up to it. Some women will feel able to start exercising early. Talk with your doctor about when is a good time for you to restart an exercise program. This also depends on the level of exercise that you were doing before you had your baby. If you were already exercising regularly, then you may be able to start back earlier than if you weren’t doing anything during your pregnancy. But remember, you won’t be able to train to the level you did prior to being pregnant, so just take it easy.

Keep in mind your lower back and core abdominal muscles are weaker than they used to be. Your ligaments and joints are also more supple and pliable, so it is easier to injure yourself by stretching or twisting too much. Avoid any high-impact exercises or sports that require rapid direction changes.

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So your ready to take the next step and get back in to exercise and get that pre-baby body back? Then Call Amy on 0412 230 926 or submit your pre-exercise training questionaire today. Spaces are limited so join today!

2015-10-08T03:47:22+00:00 October 8th, 2015|