If you don’t turn up you will lose 100% of the chance you didn’t take

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On the weekend I did a 1.5km ocean swim as part of a team in the Mooloolaba Triathlon. Let’s just say Im not a water baby, and am much more comfortable on land running! Previously I have done a few ocean and river swims but have always freaked out when it’s a bit choppy and spend most of the swim breast-stroking just to try and breath and calm down.

For the past week I have found myself in the middle of doing something and I would start to panic about the swim, get all nervous and freak out. Or the night before when we had a big storm I was praying they would call it off or move it to the canal where I am much more comfortable swimming.

Then on the day I decided something. I decided that the more I think and talk negatively about the swim and how ‘Im not a swimmer’ and ‘the waves freak me out’ – the worse it’s going to be. I also decided that the time is going to pass anyway and before I know it, it will be a distant memory and all that energy spent worrying about it would have been a waste.

So, I openly told my husband and daughter as we walked to the start line, that I am a swimmer, I have done this before, and I will be totally fine. If I need to I will take it steady, but one way or another I will get to the finish line so my cyclist can embark on her journey.

As I walked in to the start line, a girl about 13 years old walked past me with a prosthetic leg in her arms, and there was a guy sitting in the water with only 1 leg. And I thought to myself, I bet he had some fears getting to the start line as well. But, we are both here, taking on a personal challenge and we are both going to get to that finish line.

I loved every minute of that swim. Not because I won – far from it – but I spent the entire time being so pumped and proud that I just walked straight in and started swimming, no freak out at all! And when I ran out of the water I felt amazing, I felt like I was winning because I had finally overcome my fear and was totally pumped. However I nearly didn’t get to experience that, because internally I was trying so hard for the event to be cancelled or something to happen so I didn’t have to do it.

So I turned up, I conquered and I feel inspired for the next challenge.

What do you need to turn up to today to overcome your obstacles?



2016-03-13T23:10:40+00:00 March 13th, 2016|