The journey from 9 months pregnant to running again!

back to runningWhen people tell you your life is going to change after having a baby, you kind of believe them but also don’t really understand. Until the day your little bundle of joy arrives in your arms, and then you start to understand what they were talking about. Oh boy, do you understand!

In the above pregnant photo – I am 36 weeks pregnant, walked 12km and was feeling amazing. 4 days later, I had my gorgeous daughter and spent 4 weeks under strict instructions there was to be no exercise, not even walking around the block. Now for a fit, independent, personal trainer, that doesn’t go down too well.

So, how have I got back in to running and strength training, 12 weeks post baby? Its been a journey, but its been a journey that had to start. And thats the biggest lesson. No matter where you are in your fitness today, its about focusing on where you want to be and being dedicated to getting there.

Start off slowly – I started with walk/runs. I started with body weight strength sessions. I started with 20minutes in the pool. Now its about extending from there, running the whole session, adding weights to my strength sessions and swimming as long as my ‘baby free’ window will allow.

It’s also about making sacrifices. I could sleep in and wake when Ivy does, but I set my alarm and get up in the dark, and take whatever opportunity or window I have. Its about meeting a friend at the pool while we look after each others babies so the other can get their swim in. Its about having a goal that you are focused on enough to not give up. And its about not making ‘excuses’ as to why you ‘can’t do it’ but finding a solution to why ‘you can’!

Ready to get your pre baby body back so you can fit into your clothes? Call Amy on 0412 230 926 to kick start your fitness goals.

2020-03-12T04:20:04+00:00 July 28th, 2015|