The extra little support you sometimes need


On Saturday morning I woke to my husbands alarm at 5am which was set for him to watch the Rugby World Cup – I had been up with my ‘usually perfect sleeping 5 month old’ from 1-2.30am so you can imagine I was hardly impressed at this buzzing sound in my ear. I burrowed my head in to the pillow feeling like I had been out partying all night and there was no way I was getting up for that run that I had planned.

My husband then said, ‘you will feel better if you go’ – which of course I know to be true. And when you are Mum of a 5 month old, juggling running your own business, a husband that travels a bit for work, and a love for exercising daily – I also know how precious a morning that he is home and Im not working is so I can sneak out for a run.

So up I got. Not because I was fully refreshed, full of beans and had just had an amazing 12 hour sleep. But because I know if I don’t do it first thing, it won’t happen, and if I go back to sleep I will feel worse, and I know how amazing I feel after a good run and sweat out – especially to start my weekend.

I can tell you – it was worth fighting every ‘go back to sleep’ voice in my head. I loved every minute, loved the sweat, loved the fresh air and loved how I felt when I walked back in the door at home. It put me on a high, got the endorphins running around, gave me the fresh air to clear my head and get started for the day, and sets me up for a healthy eating day. Because when you start the day right, 9 times out of 10 you will stay that way till the end. Now Im not saying everyone gets this high, and Im not saying, I do every single time, but on this morning, I certainly did.

So when you are fighting the old ‘I can’t be bothered exercising’ voices in your head. Spend a few minutes thinking about how good you feel after. It may be a power walk, it may be stretching in the fresh air, it may be a swim – or it may just be a stroll to get the papers and a coffee, but just make sure you are fitting it in to your already busy schedule as a priority. Because exercise should be a priority for everyone & I know too often it is the one thing that gets put to the back burner when you get busy!


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2015-10-19T03:35:08+00:00 October 19th, 2015|